Hey y'all!! Yep, me again. So, as the title may suggest, today I will be discussing the new reasons I've found to lose weight and the old that I have remembered!!
Let's start with the old reason that jump started (aka slapped me in the face) my resolution:
-I'm going to be a bridesmaid in May! The bride, my bff, has been working her fanny off and losing tons of weight, as has the groom. The other two Bridesmaids are tiny ladies. So, that's 7 months to work my booty off and look good in that dress!
As for the new reason that I thought of just today, I'm ready to prove the generalizations wrong:
-I'm a gamer. A girl gamer. A very geeky, nerdy, dorky girl gamer. I'm actually quite proud of that, but there seems to be a stereotype that girl gamers must be overweight and single. I think that's a load of bologna, but in my case it does happen to also be true. While I can't fix the single part, as that is God's timing, I CAN fix the other half. Time to prove those people wrong!!
Tonight is the launch party for eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and working out! The great thing is that, while these things may be pushing me right now to do what I have to to get into healthy shape, it will give me lasting results. I may be working extra hard right now to look good in May, but I'm not going to just take off the bridesmaid dress and go back to being unhealthy, I'm going to continue to look good! And one day, I will be a thin, married gamer girl. Win, win, and another win!