Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Experiences

So this is not quite "tomorrow" as I said in my first post, but at least I did come back! It'll take a little work to get into the groove of blogging regularly, but at least I have been logging onto myfitnesspal daily!! So, onto what I was supposed to do last week....post my weight (dun dun dunnnn). Yeah, not looking forward to this AT ALL to be quite honest, but here goes: SW: 250.4. Ironically, this was also my original starting weight last year when I started MyFitnessPal. I guess my body likes that number. I'm in a contest over on MFP to lost 5lbs for the month of October, and my SW for that was 248.4, so I guess now I have to actually lose 7lbs this month. Well, I will be extremely excited if that happens! It will put me at my lowest weight since starting this journey. My UGW is between 120 & 130, as a healthy weight for my BMI is between 116 and 140. My doctor told me I should probably not go below 130, though.

Yesterday I had the new experience of being waaay behind on calories, protein, and fiber at 9pm. Not good to have to eat over half of my daily calories that late at night, but I knew I shouldn't consume less than 1200 cals by the end of the day, and so I ate. I had almost exactly 1200 at the end of the day, which was a first for me. I lost .6lbs between yesterday and today, so I guess it worked, but I'm thinking if I had spread it out more I would have probably lost more. That means today I will be eating breakfast!!

Off to eat I go! And, of course, drink coffee!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Welcome to My Journey!

This is not my first time keeping a weight loss blog, but it WILL be the first time I stick with it. I am tired of trying and failing, and therefore I have found the one and only solution: SUCCEED! I am Irish, which for those of you that aren't aware, that means I am stubborn. Very, very stubborn.

I have not decided the entirety of what I will be doing on this blog yet, but I will be keeping you up to date. You will know when I do. First off, though, I think I should introduce myself and give you a quick bit of info about myself. I am Katie. I am a 22 year old college student, majoring in Criminal Justice (yeah, an overweight girl picked a highly physical field. Irony at its best). I have battled weight for a few years now, however I thought I was battling it long ago, when I was actually a normal weight. I had it beat into me that I was fat back when I was healthy, and I guess after a long enough time of hearing it, I finally made it the truth. When you suffer depression you are even easier to convince of your flaws, even if they aren't there. Which brings me to a point - this is not merely about me losing weight for vanity, or even losing weight in general, this is about me being happy with the person I am. Getting there means being healthy. See where a big circle of doom can form there? Well I'm breaking the circle. For once this is all about me and only me.

Tomorrow I will be back with my weigh in and measurements, and hopefully an idea of what I am doing!